Shit, It's Snow!

I EXPECT all my friends who live outside the UK know that we Brits are obsessed by the weather. It's our primary topic of conversation and especially at this time of year. Although snow is not unusual in the winter months it seems to always take us by complete surprise and after few flakes of the white stuff the country grinds to a halt. We're quite pathetic - but at least we can laugh at ourselves!

Take a look at this little video below. It made me laugh!

*If you are offended by bad language, best not to view it!

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  1. Looks like you feel the same way about snow that we in the southern US feel about it.

  2. I grew up in South Carolina and no one had snow tires. Of course, if we did get snow, it would melt by noon anyway.

  3. Loved the video. And it's so true - we Brits are pathetic when it snows.
